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Academic Departments

Academic Departments

The Klein College of Media and Communication prides itself on constantly evolving subject material, state-of-the-art industry equipment, informed staff and alumni, and a student body eager to master their craft.

Discover your passion and find an academic department—and a career—that best fits you.

Why advertising and public relations?

Through working within a dynamic media market—the fourth largest in the country—you’ll acquire the tools and knowledge necessary to reach and influence audiences across a broad spectrum. Professional development opportunities allow you to hone your creative skills and develop an understanding of communication and the management of relationships across consumer, corporate, economic, government and media organizations. Faculty focus their teaching on real-world applications and career-specific training.

Graduates of the department will be prepared for a variety of careers in the field.

  • Advertising account manager
  • Art director
  • Brand strategist
  • Copywriter
  • Creative director
  • Market research analyst
  • Media buyer
  • Media planner

Degree Programs in the Advertising and Public Relations Department

Program Contact

For more information about the Advertising Department at Klein College, please contact Kathy Mueller, chair of the Department of Advertising.
Phone: 215-204-4262

Why communication and social influence?

Through innovative curriculum and hands-on experiences, you’ll become a specialist in communication and the art of positive influence. Develop a broad background in humanistic and social-scientific approaches to effective public communication across a vast array of environments and prepare to enter into—and ultimately lead—the field of communication.

Graduates of the department will be prepared for a variety of careers in the field.

  • Arbitrator
  • Communication strategist
  • Community engagement liaison
  • Community organizer
  • Corporate-government relations specialist
  • Government affairs specialist
  • International mission specialist
  • Labor organizer
  • Mediator
  • Nonprofit campaign manager
  • Ombudsperson
  • Political operative
  • Political press manager
  • Program launch specialist
  • Public communication campaign specialist
  • Public education specialist
  • Public opinion researcher
  • Public risk specialist
  • Speechwriter

Degree Programs in the Communication and Social Influence Department

Program Contacts

For more information about the Communication and Social Influence Department at Klein College, please contact Joy Pierce, chair of the Department of Communication and Social Influence.
Email: Joy.pierce2@temple.edu

For information about the Communication Studies Major at Klein College, please contact Scott Gratson, director of the Department of Communication Studies.
Email: sgratson@temple.edu
Phone: 215-204-6434

*Part of the Communication Studies Major.

Why journalism?

Combine urban community journalism with multimedia storytelling, utilizing Philadelphia as an extension of the classroom. Explore the inner workings of the city and its neighborhoods and acquire the rigorous reporting skills needed to tell engaging stories that highlight diverse voices and perspectives. Most importantly, you’ll acquire a range of expertise—from reporting and writing to video production and basic web design—as you prepare for your future career and continue your studies, or both.

Graduates of the department will be prepared for a variety of careers in the field.

  • Anchor
  • Blogger
  • Broadcast journalist
  • Content creator
  • Data specialist
  • Editor
  • Educator
  • Magazine writer
  • Media entrepreneur
  • News reporter
  • On-air personality
  • Online reporter
  • Photojournalist
  • Producer
  • Reporter
  • Researcher
  • Sideline reporter
  • Social media specialist
  • Videographer

Degree Programs in the Journalism Department

Program Contact

For more information about the Journalism Department at Klein College, please contact Logan, chair of the Department of Journalism.
Phone: 215-204-3092

Why media studies and production?

Develop the skills to enter and ultimately lead the changing media landscape by working collaboratively in clubs, organizations, practicums and countless extracurricular activities. Through on-campus experiences with live TV, online magazines, podcasts, print, radio and a record label, you’ll go far beyond the scope of a typical communication or broadcasting degree, acquiring an understanding of both the “why” and “how” behind everything a media professional does. You will work with and learn from award-winning industry experts with decades of experience in broadcasting, production management, reporting and more.

Graduates of the department will be prepared for a variety of careers in the field.

  • Corporate communication producers
  • Digital media consultants
  • Editors
  • Market research analysts
  • Marketing professionals
  • Media consultants
  • On-air talent
  • Operators or owners of production companies and recording studios
  • Operators or owners of a channel, network or station
  • Producers
  • Recording engineers
  • Writers
  • Videographers

Degree Programs in the Media Studies and Production Department

Program Contact

For more information about the Media Studies and Production Department at Klein College, please contact Rebecca Gollihur, director of the Department of Media Studies and Production.
Email: gollihur@temple.edu

For more information about the Audio and Live Entertainment program at Klein College, please contact Jack Klotz, vice chair of the Department of Media Studies and Production.