Puerto Rico

Explore the art of visual storytelling in Puerto Rico.

From traditional precolonial art processes to contemporary workflows, Puerto Rican artists have long used a variety of artistic mediums to reflect on the identity of both self and community. Using various multimedia approaches, students in this course will will experience, investigate and create content that examines both Philadelphia and Puerto Rico’s vibrant art communities.

For more information or to apply, please check the program page.

Program Details

In this course, students will explore the Puerto Rican community of visual storytellers; a space where artists and activists have communicated social and political issues that face the island territory. You’ll examine the various channels through which these artists navigate—the formal, informal, traditional, and nontraditional art spaces—and how these artistic voices have continued in communities off the island.

Before departing, students will research the island and engage with Philadelphia’s Puerto Rican community to help them develop active observational skills and critical thinking in recognizing social and political influences of visual communication.

There is no language requirement for this program, but we encourage students to use their existing Spanish-language skills during their time away. Students will earn three credits in the program, which is structured as follows.

  • The class will meet on campus leading up to travel; during the semester break, students will have an immersive experience in Puerto Rico;
  • After the travel component of the course, students will have additional meetings on campus for final project review, excursion reflections and presentations.

No previous experience with art, multimedia or photography tools is necessary. Students will be able to use tools already available to them, such as a smartphone, to capture visuals and translate them into stories and class projects.

An image of the streets of old San Juan

Photo by Klein College

While in Puerto Rico, I was able to see firsthand the impacts of colonialism and systemic oppression. In speaking with the residents, I also got to hear firsthand experiences of how they are affected by it, all of which has informed the body of work I want to create going forward.

Temple University Logo

Brian Mengini

KLN ’23, Journalism


For more information about studying in Puerto Rico, contact the Klein GO team.
Phone: 215-204-2354