Logan Molyneux has six years of experience as a journalist, working as a reporter and then city editor at the Daily Herald in Provo, Utah, and as a copy editor at the Austin American-Statesman and KUT radio. He holds a PhD in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin. His research focuses on digital media and mobile technology, specifically as they relate to journalistic practices and products. Recent work includes studies of learning from mobile news, how journalists use social media in political coverage and personal branding among journalists.
JRN 1196 | Writing and Reporting | Undergraduate |
JRN 5306 | Journalism and the Public Interest | Graduate |
MMC 8985 | Teaching in Higher Education: Communications | Graduate |
Molyneux, L. & McGregor, S.C. (2022). Legitimating a platform: evidence of journalists’ role in transferring authority to Twitter. Information, Communication & Society, 25(11), 1577-1595. Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/1369118x.2021.1874037.
Molyneux, L. & Zamith, R. (2022). Surveying journalists in the “New Normal”: Considerations and recommendations. Journalism, 23(1), 153-170. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1464884920935277.
Mourão, R.R. & Molyneux, L. (2021). Tweeting Outside the Lines: Normalization and Fragmentation as Political Reporters Break from the Mainstream. Journalism Practice, 15(8), 1089-1107. Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2020.1771753.
McGregor, S.C. & Molyneux, L. (2020). Twitter’s Influence on News Judgment: An Experiment among Journalists. Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 21(5), 597-613. Sage Publications.
Molyneux, L. & Coddington, M. (2020). Aggregation, Clickbait and Their Effect on Perceptions of Journalistic Credibility and Quality. Journalism Practice, 14(4), 429-446. Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1628658.
Molyneux, L. (2019). A Personalized Self-image: Gender and Branding Practices Among Journalists. Social Media + Society, 5(3), 205630511987295-205630511987295. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/2056305119872950.
Molyneux, L. (2019). Multiplatform news consumption and its connections to civic engagement. Journalism, 20(6), 788-806. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1464884917730216.
Molyneux, L., Lewis, S.C., & Holton, A.E. (2019). Media work, identity, and the motivations that shape branding practices among journalists: An explanatory framework. New Media & Society, 21(4), 836-855. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1461444818809392.
Molyneux, L. & Mourão, R.R. (2019). Political Journalists’ Normalization of Twitter. Journalism Studies, 20(2), 248-266. Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/1461670x.2017.1370978.
Lough, K., Molyneux, L., & Holton, A.E. (2018). A Clearer Picture. Journalism Practice, 12(10), 1277-1291. Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2017.1389292.
Molyneux, L., Holton, A., & Lewis, S.C. (2018). How journalists engage in branding on Twitter: individual, organizational, and institutional levels. Information, Communication & Society, 21(10), 1386-1401. Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/1369118x.2017.1314532.
Molyneux, L. (2018). Mobile News Consumption. Digital Journalism, 6(5), 634-650. Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/21670811.2017.1334567.