Maynard, Michael (2012). “Real versus pseudo real in Japanese television advertising compared with U.S. television advertising.” In Amir Hetsroni (ed.) Advertising and Reality: A Global Study of Representation and Content (pp. 53-71). London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
Maynard, Michael (2011). “Temple University’s New Advertising Department Grows Rapidly in the Supportive Environment of the School of Communications and Theater,” in Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Steve Edwards, ed., Southern Methodist University, TX: American Academy of Advertising.
Maynard, Michael (2011). “Integrating Multiple Marketing Disciplines into a Single Advertising Curriculum,” in Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Steve Edwards, ed., Southern Methodist University, TX: American Academy of Advertising.
Maynard, Michael (2011). Advertising the Pseudo Real: On the Staging of Products in Japanese Commercials. (Poster session) Global Fusion Conference. Temple University, October 14–16.
Maynard, Michael (2011). Integrating Marketing in Segmented Schools. Pre-Conference Seminar. American Academy of Advertising National Conference. Mesa, Arizona, April 7–10.
Maynard, Michael (2011). The Water in which we Swim: How Advertising’s Home Unit Affects the Advertising Program. Special Topics Panel. American Academy of Advertising National Conference. Mesa, Arizona, April 7–10.
Maynard, Michael L. (2011). Guest Lecture, Matthew Lombard’s Colloquium, title of my talk, “Delayed Reciprocity: Research Rewards from Service to the College,” AH301, October.
Maynard, Michael, (2011). PEX Partnership Project Award. Partnering with Philadelphia History Museum. Advertising and Globalization Honor students develop advertising campaign to launch re-museum opening in fall.
Maynard, Michael L. (2010). (Un)Japanese Advertising: Selling Goodyear Tires in Dislocated Space. Middle Atlantic American Studies Conference. LaSalle University, Philadelphia, March 19–20.
Maynard, Michael L. (2010). Global Citizenship? A Roundtable Discussion. Fifth Annual Global Temple Conference, Philadelphia.
Maynard, Michael L. (2010) Title of Lecture: “Putting to Death the Talk of the Death of the 30-Second TV Spot.” In BTMM’s Future of Television class, February 16.
Maynard, Michael (2009). “Hyping the efficiencies of fast(er) food: The glocalization of McDonald’s Snack Wrap in Japan” pp. 39-50. In Sharon Kleinman (ed.) The culture of efficiency. New York: Peter Lang.
Maynard, Michael & Alison Carey (2008). Reports of the death of the 30-second commercial have been greatly exaggerated. Pennsylvania Communication Annual, 28–48.
Maynard, Michael & Dana Saewitz (2008). The advertising internship: Tips on optimizing the academic and business community relationship. Journal of Advertising Education, Fall, 31– 34.
Maynard, Michael L. & Margo Berman (2008). Toward a More Efficient Brainstorming: The Optimal Number of Wild Thoughts to Successful Ideas in an Advertising Exercise National Conference of AEJMC, Chicago, August 6– 9.
Saewitz, Dana & Michael Maynard (2008). Learning to Learn from the Industry: Employer Internship Satisfaction Survey. National Conference of AEJMC, Chicago, August 6-9. AWARDED TOP PAPER in DIVISION.
Maynard, Michael L. & Dana K. Saewitz (2008). Survey Helps Prepare Students for Careers in Advertising. AD NEWS: GREATER PHILADELPIA’S NEWS SOURCE, Nov/Dec., 50-51.
Maynard, Michael L. (2008). Incentive Award for developing New Gen Ed Course under World Studies: Advertising & Globalization 0853.
Maynard, Michael L. (2007). “Positively Negative: Arguments in Favor of Political Attack Ads.” National Conference of AEJMC, Washington DC, August 9– 12.
Maynard, Michael L. & Alison Carey (2007). “Putting to Death the Talk of the Death of the 30-second Commercial.” National Conference of AEJMC, Washington DC, August 9– 12.
Maynard, Michael L. & Dana Saewitz (2007). “Ten Keys to Launching a Professional Internship Program in a New Department of Advertising: A Case Study.” National Conference of AEJMC, Washington DC, August 9– 12.
Maynard, Michael & Scala, Megan (2006). Unpaid advertising: A case of Wilson the volleyball in Cast Away. Journal of Popular Culture 39, No. 4, 622– 638.
Maynard, Michael L. (2005). Glocal narratives: Nostalgic American Images in Japanese Print Advertisements. MiT4: Telling stories: An International Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, May 6– 8.
Maynard, Michael L. (2004). Correlation analysis in a natural experiment design: Seeking the opportune grade point average cutoff for internships. In Patricia L. Linn, Adam Howard and Eric Miller (Eds.), Handbook for Research in Cooperative Education and Internships (pp. 191-206). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Maynard, Michael L. with Linn, Patricia L., Howard, Adam, & Miller, Eric (Eds.). (2004). Correlation analysis in a natural experiment design: Seeking the opportune grade point average cutoff for internships. Handbook for Research in Cooperative Education and Internships (pp. 191–206).
Maynard, Michael L. & Tian, Yan. (2004). Between global and local. Public Relations Review.
Maynard, Michael L. (2003). Preserving democracy through the 30-second negative political ad. MiT3: Television-An International Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, May 2–4.
Maynard, Michael L. (2003). From Global to Glocal: How Gillette’s SensorExcel accommodates to Japan. Keio Communication Review, 25, 3–21.
Maynard, Michael L. (2003). Emotional Intelligence and perceived employability for internship curriculum. Psychological Reports, 93, 791–792.
Maynard, Michael L. & Mokros, Hartmut B. (2003). Culture matters. Identity matters: Communication-based explorations and explanations, pp. 55–76.
Maynard, Michael L. (2002). Friendly fantasies in Japanese advertising: Persuading Japanese teens through cartoonish art. International Journal of Comic Art, 4 (2), 241-260.
Maynard, Michael L. (2002). Beating technology at its own game: Emailing Super Bowl ad critiques before the media blitz. A teaching tip in Journal of Advertising Education, 60-62.
Maynard, Michael L. (2002). Friendly fantasies in Japanese advertising: Persuading Japanese teens through cartoonish art. International Journal of Comic Art, 4 (2), 241-260.
Donahue, Ray T. & Maynard, Michael L. (2002). Projecting peer approval in advertising: Japanese versus U.S. Seventeen magazines. Exploring Japaneseness: Japanese enactments of culture and consciousness.
Maynard, Michael L. (2001). Policing transnational commerce: Global awareness in the margins of morality. Journal of Business Ethics, 30, 17–27.
Maynard, Michael L. & Murphy, Priscilla. (2000). Framing the genetic testing issue: Discourse and cultural clashes among policy communities. Science Communication, 22 (2), 133–153.
Franke, G. R., Maynard, Michael L., & Taylor, C. R. (2000). Attitudes toward direct marketing and its regulation: A comparison of the United States and Japan. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 19 (2), 228–249.
Maynard, Michael L. (2000). Interpreting girlish images in two cultures: A case of Japanese and U.S. Seventeen ads. Journal of Literary Semantics, 29, 183–201.
Lordan, Edward & Maynard, Michael L. (2000). Laughing at the glass ceiling in Wall Street Journal cartoons. Journal of International Comic Art, 2 (2), 248–264.
Maynard, Michael L. & Taylor, Charles R. (1999). Girlish Images Across Cultures: Analyzing Japanese versus U.S. Seventeen Magazine Ads. Journal of Advertising, 28(1), 39–48.
Maynard, Michael L., Prosser, M. & Sitaram K.S. (1999). The power of foreign images: Intercultural signs in Japanese. Intercultural, International, and Global Media (pp. 301–311).
Maynard, Michael L. (1997). ‘Slice-of-Life’: A Persuasive Mini Drama in Japanese Television Advertising. In J. Bardsley (Ed.), Journal of Popular Culture, 31 (2), 131–142.
Maynard, Michael L. (1997). Opportunity in Paid vs. Unpaid Internships: A Semantic Network Analysis. Public Relations Review, 23 (4): 377–390.
Maynard, Michael L. & Murphy, Priscilla. (1996). Using Decision Profiles to Analyze Advertising Agency/Client Conflict. Journal of Communication Management, 1 (3), 231–246.
Maynard, Michael L. (1996). Message and Power: Interpreting Verbal and Visual Signs in Japanese Television Advertising. Journal of Literary Semantics, 25 (3), 245–26.
Maynard, Michael L. (1996). American Narrative versus Japanese Dialogue: Culture-based Modes of Address in Japanese Magazine Advertisements. Keio Communication Review, 18, 47–64.
Maynard, Michael L. (1996). Effectiveness of ‘Begging’ as a Persuasive Tactic for Improving Response Rate on a Client/Agency Mail Survey. Psychological Reports, 78, 204–206.
Maynard, Michael L. (1996). Critical Steps Toward Open Peer Critiques. Journal of Advertising Education, 1 (1), 50–52.
Maynard, Michael L. & Murphy, Priscilla. (1996). Using Judgment Profiles to Compare Advertising Agencies’ and Clients’ Campaign Values. Journal of Advertising Research, 36 (2), 19–27.
Maynard, Michael L. & Taylor, Charles R. (1996). A Comparative Analysis of Japanese and U.S. Attitudes toward Direct Marketing. Journal of Direct Marketing, 10 (1), 34–44.
Maynard, Michael L. & Murphy, Priscilla. (1996). Using Judgment Analysis to Improve Consultant/Client Understanding: An Advertising Application. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 24, 21–32.