Faculty Directory

  • Profile Picture of Quaiser D. Abdullah

    Quaiser D. Abdullah

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Office of the Dean

        • Assistant Professor of Instruction

  • Tracy Agostarola

    Tracy Agostarola

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Assistant Professor of Instruction

  • Temple University Logo

    Saleem Ahmed

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Assistant Professor of Practice

  • Temple University Logo

    Osei Alleyne

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Media Studies and Production

        • Visiting Assistant Professor

  • Jennifer Ball

    Jennifer Gerard Ball

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Associate Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Jennifer Ball

    Jennifer Gerard Ball

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Associate Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Reese

    Jillian Bauer-Reese

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Associate Professor of Practice

  • Geoff Baym

    Geoffrey Baym

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Media Studies and Production

        • Professor

      • Media and Communication

        • Program Director

  • Temple University Logo

    Katherine M Bex

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Assistant Professor of Instruction

  • David Boardman

    David Boardman

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Office of the Dean

        • Dean

  • David Brown

    David W. Brown

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Assistant Dean for Community and Communications

  • Lauren Bullock

    Lauren Bullock

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Assistant Professor of Instruction

  • Deb Cai

    Deborah Cai

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Office of the Dean

        • Senior Associate Dean

      • Communication and Social Influence

        • Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Deb Cai

    Deborah Cai

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Office of the Dean

        • Senior Associate Dean

      • Communication and Social Influence

        • Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Temple University Logo

    Amy Caples

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Media Studies and Production

        • Assistant Professor of Instruction

  • Profile Picture of Ali Castellini

    Ali Castellini

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Media Studies and Production

        • Assistant Professor of Instruction

  • Castonguay

    Jessica Castonguay

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Associate Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Castonguay

    Jessica Castonguay

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Associate Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Temple University Logo

    Olivia Cohen

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Communication and Social Influence

        • Assistant Professor of Instruction

  • Temple University Logo

    William B Cook

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Assistant Professor of Instruction

  • Coyle

    Erin K. Coyle

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Associate Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Coyle

    Erin K. Coyle

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Associate Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Sherri

    Sherri Hope Culver

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Media Studies and Production

        • Associate Professor of Instruction

  • Fab

    Fabienne Darling-Wolf

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Professor

      • Graduate Office

        • Interim Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies

      • Media and Communication

  • Fab

    Fabienne Darling-Wolf

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Professor

      • Graduate Office

        • Interim Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies

      • Media and Communication